Make. It. Through.

My single New Year’s resolution is only three words long, ridiculously simple in its philosophy and yet will probably prove to be more difficult in its implementation than I can ever imagine. It’s going to take all of my will-power and determination to effectively make a success of it, and continue to make a success of it for the 12 months ahead.

Make. It. Through.

Make it through the next hour, day, week and the next month.
Make it through for the sake of my wife and kids.
Don’t ever let the pain win!
I. Am. NOT. Broken!
I am a husband and a father and I WILL Make. It. Through!!!


One thought on “Make. It. Through.

  1. This is the same point of view I have. The reason I move to change resolutions to solutions. I’d rather start the year trying to make it through alive & as well as my degenerative disc disease with chronic depression will allow. I figured out what a handful of basic problems I continuously faced throughout the past year were & brain-stormed a few ideas to start with instead of just throwing the realizations into the growing To-Do pile in the back of my head, as I do every other time. Best wishes, warm thoughts, & positive vibes to you for not only making it through 2015 but enjoying it, too.

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